Ophiuros Gaertn.

Fruct. 3: 3 (1805); Gen. Gram.: 367 (1968).- Type-species: Ophiuros corymbosa (L.f.) Gaertn. (= O. exaltatus)


Annuals or perennials.

* Inflorescence of single cylindrical racemes aggregated into a compound panicle, the spikelets borne alternately on opposite sides of the rhachis; internodes semicylindrical with sunken spikelets.

* Sessile spikelets callus transversely or slightly obliquely truncate with a central peg. Lower glume oblong, crustaceous, smooth. Pedicelled spikelet absent; pedicel fused to internode.

Genus with 4 species in NE Africa, to tropical Asia and Australia.

Note: There is no trace of either a pedicelled spikelet or a pedicel, but the structure of the sessile spikelet clearly indicates that it belongs  with Andropogoneae.