Trichopteryx Nees

in Lindl, Nat. Syst., ed. 2: 449 (1836) as Trichopteria, corr. Nées, FI. Afr. Austr. 4: 339 (1841); Gen. Gram.: 319 (1986).- Type-species: Trichopteryx dregeana Nees.


* Annuals or perennials, often trailing ; culms wiry. Leaves with a ligule reduced to a rim of hairs.

* Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle with spikelets singly or paired.

* Spikelets  brown. Lower glume 3-nerved, membranous. Upper lemma coriaceous, with marginal hair tufts halfway, bilobed, the lobes aristulate; callus short

Genus with 5 species of tropical Africa ; wet flushes on rocky slopes.