Trigonochloa Peterson & Snow

Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 109: 1328 (2012)


* Plants annual to short-lived perennial, sometimes rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Culms decumbent or clambering to erect; nodes glabrous. Leaves linear to broadly ovate, flat, sheaths half as long to slightly longer than internodes; ligules membranous.

* Inflorescence in panicles with numerous unilateral, spicate racemes scattered along a central axis, exserted at maturity. Racemes with semiterete rhachis,

* Spikelets 1-flowered (rarely 2-flowered), laterally compressed, subsessile disarticulating above the glumes; glumes as long or longer than the floret, subequal; lemmas thinly membranous to hyaline, entire, awnless. Caryopses trigonous in cross section.

Genus with 2 species, Africa.