Tetrapogon Desf.

Fl. Atlant. 2: 388, t. 255 (1799); Gen. Gram.: 236 (1986).- Type-species: Tetrapogon villosus Desf.


* Annuals or perennials, caespitose or shortly rhizomatous. Leaves linear; sheaths keeled, often flabellate; ligule a fringed membrane.

* Inflorescence with 1-8 digitate, second unbranched racemes of beseriate often villous spikelets.

* Spikelet with several fertile florets and some distal florets reduced to one or more truncate empty scales; callus pubescent. Glumes membranous, shorter to longer than florets, muticous or mucronate. Lemma entire or 2-toothed with long hairs on veins and keel, with an subapical awn; palea keels shortly ciliate.

Genus with 5 species of the savannas generally on poor soils of Africa, Middle East and India.