Leersia tisserantii (A. Chev.) Launert

Senck. Biol. 46: 137 (1965).- Type: Tisserant 2582, CAR (holo- P).

Oryza tisserantii A. Chevalier, Rev. Bot. Appliq. 12: 1024 (1932).

Regional litterature: FTEA: 25 (1970); Fl. Zambesiaca 10,1: 30, fig (1971; FWTA: 367 (1972); Fl. Rwanda: 292 (1988); Gram. Cameroun: 45, fig 8 (1992).


* Tufted annual or perennial 0.2-0.6 m high; sometimes slender rhizomes. Culms slender, erect or ascending, usually hairy at the nodes. Leaves 3-18 cm long and 1-2 mm wide, flat or convolute, glabrous; ligule 1-2.5 mm long, truncate.

* Inflorescence a narrowly ovate panicle 5-12 cm long; branches ascending, devoid of spikelets in the lower half, 2.5 cm long

* Spikelet elliptic, light green with green nerves, 3-4 mm long; callus short and broad. Lemma glabrous or hispidulous, with an awn of 3.5-9 mm long; palea with an awn of 1-2 mm. Anthers pale yellow.

Distribution West Africa: Guinea, Cameroon and CAR.

Distribution world-wide: C, E and southern Africa.