Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt ex Bor

Oesterr. Bot. Z. 12: 185 (1965).- Type: 

Description: Caespitose perennial, 2-2.5 m high. Culms erect, . Leaves drooping, 0.5-1 m long and 7-15 mm wide, light green, aromatic; ligule an eciliate membrane.

* Inflorescence compound and paniculate, 0.3-0.6 m, composed of terminal and axillary paired racemes, enclosed a spatheoles; bases flattened. Racemes deflexed, 1-2 cm long; rhachis fragile ciliate on margins with hairs 1-2 mm long; internodes linear, subequal. Basal homogamous spikelets well-developed in lower raceme.

* Sessile spikelets elliptic, 4-5 mm long and 1 mm wide; callus obtuse, pilose. Lower glume elliptic, keeled and narrowly winged laterally; upper glume lanceolate. Lower lemma hyaline, muticous or mucronate. Pedicelled spikelets well-developed, male, 5 mm long; glumes chartaceous, acute, muticous.

Distribution West Africa: Introduced in Ghana.

Distribution world-wide: West Malesia; introduced in a few countries in Asia and Latin America.