Oryza eichingeri Peter

Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 40.1 Anh.: 74 (1930).- Type: Peter G.A. 1913/19 s.n., Usambara, Tanzania (para- W); Peter G.A. 1925/26 46482, Ndigo, Tanzania (syn- W).

Regional litterature: FTEA: 31 (1970); Poac. CI: 80, fig. (1995).

Oryza sativa var collina Trimen, J. Bot. 27: 163 (1889);

Oryza glauca Robyns, Repert. Mém. Inst. Roy. Colon Belg, Sect. Sci. Nat.40.1: 74 (1930), nom. nud.;

Oryza ubanghensis A.Chev., Rev. Int. Bot.Appliq.Agric. Trop. 31: 380 (1951).


* Caespitose perennial of 0.6-1 m high. Culms slender, 3 mm diameter, erect or geniculately ascending, branched, terete, striate, smooth, glabrous. Leaves 15-45 cm long and 0·5-2·5 cm wide, linear, pale-green or rarely glaucous, rather flaccid, usually asperulous on both surfaces, margins scabrous; sheaths scarious, often spongy and aerenchymatous, distinctly striate, rather loose and often slipping off the culm, auricled ligule 3-10 mm. long, rounded, truncate or somewhat acute, glabrous.

* Inflorescence in contracted panicle with ascending branches, 15-35 cm long and 3-17 cm wide, loose, erect or drooping to some extent; branches ascending. Spikelets pedicelled, pedicels 2-5 mm. long.

* Spikelets narrowly elliptic, glabrous, 5-6 mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide, deciduous, greyish-green or glaucous. Glumes reduced to a membranous whitish narrow rim. Lower lemma similar to glumes, 1-1·5 mm. long; upper lemma coriaceous, shortly but stiffly hispid, awn 2-7·5 cm long, slender, flexuous, scaberulous, pale yellow; palea slightly shorter than the lemma acute or tapering into a short acute point. Anthers oblong, pale-violet. Stigmas blackish. Grain 4-5 mm long and 1·5-1·75 mm wide, oblong, glabrous, light brown.

Distribution West Africa: Ivory Coast, CAR.

Distribution world-wide: C and E Africa, Sri Lanka.