Sporobolus maritima (Curtis) Peterson & Saarela

Rhodora 18: 180 (1916).- Type: unknown.

Dactylis maritima Curtis, Pract. Observ. Brit. Grasses: 46 (1787);

Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald, Rhodora 18: 180 (1916);

Spartina maritima subsp. stricta  (Ait.) Saint Yves, Candollea 5: 45 (1931).

Regional litterature: Fl. Mauritania: 411, fig (1991).


* Rhizomatous perennial of 15-50 cm long; rhizomes elongated. Culms erect. Leaves deciduous at the ligule, linear, 4-18 cm long and 2-5 mm wirde, ribbed, acuminate and hardened; ligule a fringe of hairs, 0.2-0.6 mm long; sheaths without keels.

* Inflorescence on 2-3 (1-5) racemes, digitate or along a central axis of 1-6 cm long. Racemes unilateral, erect, 4-5 cm long; rhachis angular, terminating in a barren bristle-like extension; spikelets packing broadside and 2-rowed, sessile.

* Spikelets lanceolate, laterally compressed, 11-15 mm long. Glumes pubescent; lower glume linear, 7-9 mm long, membranous, pubescent; upper glume lanceolate, 11-15 mm long, herbaceous with membranous margins, 1-keeled, pubescent. Lemma ovate, 9-12 mm long, herbaceous, keeled, puberulous, hairy above, acute; palea 1.1 as long as lemma. Anthers 3, 4-6 mm long; stigmas protogynous, terminally excerted.

Distribution West Africa: Mauritania.

Distribution world-wide: Maroc, southern Africa, Europe.