Ehrharta erecta Lam.

Encycl. 2: 347 (1786).- Type: Sonnerat, Ethiopia (holo- P).

Ehrharta abyssinica Hochst., Flora 38: 193 (1855).- Type: Schimper 1460, Ethiopia (holo- S);

Ehrharta erecta var. abyssinica (Hochst.) Pilg., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 508 (1926).

Regional litterature: FTEA: 38 (1970); Fl. Zambesiaca 10,1: 41, fig (1971; Fl. Ethiopia & Eritrea 7: 68, fig (1995);  Pl. Sudan & S Sudan: 123 (2015).


* Perennials of 0.3-1 m high. Culms tufted, slender, straggling. Leaves flat, rather thin, 6–16 cm long and 0.2–1 cm wide, margins scabrous-pubescent, apex acute; ligule 3.8–5 mm; sheaths glabrous or shortly hairy.

* Inflorescence in a narrow panicle of 5–20 cm long; branches ascending or suberect.

* Spikelets oblong, 3–7 mm, pale green. Glumes unequal, 5-veined, subacute; lower glume ovate, shorter than upper; upper glume ovate-oblong, about 1/2 spikelet length. Lemmas papery, 7-veined, subacute, awnless; sterile lemmas narrowly elliptic-oblong, finely pubescent to almost glabrous; lower sterile lemma smooth or rarely transversely wrinkled near apex; upper sterile lemma transversely wrinkled, 2 frill-like appendages on basal hook, sometimes bearded at base; fertile lemma ovate, smooth, glabrous, obtuse; palea 2-veined. Stamens 6, anthers 0.7–1.2 mm.

Distribution West Africa: South Sudan.

Distribution world-wide: DRC, Ethiopia, Uganda and Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, NE, E and southern Africa, introduced in Morocco, Europe, Asia, Australia.