Loxodera ledermannii (Pilg.) Launert

 Senck. Biol. 46:121 (1965).- TYPE: Ledermann 3605, Cameroon (holo- B, delet.; K, fragm.).

Elionurus ledermannii Pilg., Jahrb. 45: 207 (1910).

Regional litterature: FI. Nigeria: 102 (1970); FWTA: 505 (1972); FTEA: 840 (1982); Gram. Cameroun:  515, fig. 113 (1992); Poac. Niger : 642, fig. (1999).


* Caespitose perennial of 0.3-1 m high, in small tufts of 10-15 cm diameter, covered by dead sheaths. Leaves linear, 5-20 cm long and 2-5 mm wide, with long spread hairs ; ligule an eciliate membrane.

* Inflorescence in a single erect raceme of 6-15 cm long. Raceme cylindrical, grey, fragile ; internodes linear to clavate, flattened, 6 mm long, pubescent. Pedicels linear, pubescent.

*  Sessile spikelets elliptic, 6-7 mm long ; callus square, bearded, truncate. Lower glume elliptic, coriaceous, grey, keel-less, lateral veins ribbed, muricate, glabrous ; upper glume elliptic. Upper lemma oblong, hyaline.

Distribution West Africa: Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon.

Distribution world-wide: Uganda.
