Avena Linn

Sp. Pl.: 79 (1753); Gen. Gram.: 124 (1986).- Type-species: Avena sativa Linn.


* Annuals; culms fairly robust. Leaves linear, flat.

* Inflorescence a large loose panicle, nodding.

* Spikelets large, pendulous, oblong to gaping, 1-4 cm long, 2-several-flowered, disarticulating between each floret or only above glumes; callus bearded, acute to pungent.. Glumes large, subequal, lanceolate to elliptic, equaling the spikelet, rounded on the back. Lemmas coriaceous, rounded, bidentate to biaristulate; awn geniculate, arising from the lemma back (often reduced).

Genus with 25 species of the Mediterrean and Middle East, extending to northern Europe and introduced elsewhere.