Vulpia bromoides (Linn.) S.F. Gray

Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. 124 (1821).- Type: A. van Royen s.n., Europe (lecto- L).

Festuca bromoides Linné, Sp. PI. 75 (1753).

Regional litterature: FTEA: 64, fîg. 22 (1970); FWTA: 369 (1972); Gram. Cameroun: 58 (1992); Fl. Ethiopia & Eritrea 7: 28, fig (1995); Fl. Libya: 28, fig (1988); Pl. Sudan & S Sudan: 151 (2015).


* A delicate caespitose annual or solitary culms of 5-60 cm high. Culms very slender, erect or ascending. Leaves linear, 1-18 cm long and 1-3 mm wide, firm or flaccid; ligule an eciliate mebrane of 0.2-0.5 mm long ; sheaths smooth, glabrous.

* Inflorescence an open or contracted oblong panicle, usually erect and long-excerted of 1-10 cm long; branches appressed or ascending, angular and scaberulous. Pedicels 1-4 mm long.

* Spikelets oblong or cuneate, with 3-10 fertile florets and smaller florets towards the tip, 7-14 mm long. Glumes linear-lanceolate, the lower 2-6 mm long, the upper 5-10 mm long. Lemmas 6-9 mm long, scaberulous towards the margins and tip, extending into a scabrid awn of 5-12 mm long. Anthers 1, 0.3-0.6 mm long.

Distribution West Africa: Mauritania, Cameroon, Sudan

Distribution world-wide: Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, NE Africa, Kenya; Europe; introduced in Australia and the Americas.