Microcalamus barbinodis Franch.

J. Bot. 3:282 (1889).- Type: Thollon 765, Congo (holo- P).

Microcalamus aspidistrula Stapf, in Hook., lc. PI 31, tome 3070, fig. (1916).- Type: Zenker 1523, 1834,2144,3193,4249; Bates 251, Cameroun (syn- K);

Microcalamus aspidistrula Stapf f. latus Stapf, FTA 9: 493 (1919).- Type: Zenker 4730, Cameroun (syn-B);

Microcalamus aspidistrula Stapf f. angustus Stapf, FTA 9: 493 (1919).- Type: Zenker 1523, Cameroun (syn- B); Bates 251, Cameroun (syn- B);

Microcalamus glaber Stapf, FTA 9:494 (1919).- Type: Zenker 1249, 4757, Cameroun (syn- B).

Regional litterature: FTA9:491 (1919); Fl. Agr. Congo Belge 2: (1934); Fl. Gabon: 18, tab. 1:1-4 (1962); FWTA: 436 (1972); Gram. Cameroun: 244, fig (1992).


* Perennial in small tufts stoloniferous, 30-70 cm high; culms erect or ascending with clear, reddish cataphyls. Leaves cauline 5-25 cm long, shiny dark green above, asymetrical, ligule a ciliolate membrane, collar bearded, venation with distinct cross-veins, glabrous to minutely pubescent abovej, margins often wiry.

* Inflorescence a panicle contracted about the primary branches, pale green, often purplish, shortly or long excerted, 5-20 cm long with 1-6 spikelets on short appressed side-branches with reduced spikelets at the base. Spikelets pedicelled, 1-3 in a cluster.

* Spikelets ovate, 6-8 mm long, green tinged cream and purple; callus pubescent. Glumes coriaceous, the lower flume 1.5 mm long, the upper 3.5-4 mm long, 7-9-nerved. Upper lemma subcoriaceous, laterally compressed towards the tip in a small crest, as long as the spikelet, the acumen herbaceous, the margins enrolled round the prominent keels of the palea. Stigmas white, feathery; anthers creamy white.

Distribution West Africa: Cameroon, CAR

Distribution world-wide: Gabon, Congo.