Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 45: 398 (1975).- Type: Dalebroux 4013, Mali, Niger delta (holo- BR).
Digitaria delicata ssp. recedens H. Scholz, Willdenowia 9(2): 292 (1979).- Type: Ern et al, Togo (para-); U. Scholz et al 102, Togo, Borgou (holo- B).
Regional litterature: Gram. Togo: 195 (1983); Pl. Burkina Faso: 80 (2012); Fl. Chad (2013).
* Annual of up to 0.2-0.3 m high. Culms erect or ascending; internodes distally glabrous. Leaves linear, 3-10 cm long and 2-4 mm wide, glabrous, scaberulous, with a remarkable mid-nerve, margins scabrous; ligule a ciliolate mebrane of 1-1.5 mm long; sheaths mostly shorter than adjacent internode, glabrous.
* Inflorescence with 2-3 digitate racemes, sticking up. Racemes unilateral, 3-6 cm long; rhachis triquetrous, narrowly winged, ciliate on margins. Spikelets in threes with unequal glabrous pedicels of 0.2-2 mm long.
* Spikelets oblong to elliptic, 2-2.2 mm long. Lower glume absent or obscure; upper glume elliptic, slightly shorter than spikelet, membranous, 3-veined, hairy between the veins with capitate hairs, acute. Lower lemma without palea, elliptic, as long as spikelet, hairy with capitate hairs between the veins but central interspaces glabrous; upper lemma as long as spikelet, oblong, cartilaginous, light brown, thinner on the margins and covering most of palea.
Distribution West Africa and world-wide: Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Chad.