Digitaria tisserantii Jacq.-Fél.

J. Agric. Bot. Trop. Appl. 13: 40 (1966).- Type: Tisserant 696, Boukoko, CAR (holo- P).

Regional litterature: Fl. Chad (2013).


* Annual of 0.6-1 m high. Culms 2-2.5 mm diam., nodes glabrous. Leaves 5-10 cm long, 3-5 mm wide, pilose on both sides with tubercle-based hairs, margins scaberulous; ligule a ciliate membrane of 0.5 mm long; sheath pilose with tubercle-based hairs.

* Inflorescence 5-10 racemes, digitate or borne along a central axis of 2-8 mm long. Racemes unilateral, 14-18 cm long; rhachis subterete, bases filiform, 10-15 mm long. Spikelets in threes on unequal terete filiform pedicels of 5-18 mm long with 1-1.5 mm long hairs on the cupuliform tip.

* Spikelets lanceolate, 2 mm long and 1 mm wide with hairs extending 0.5 mm beyond the tip. Lower glume absent or obscure; upper glume ovate, 0.8 mm long, membranous, 3-veined, pilose, obtuse. Lower lemma without palea, elliptic, as long as spikelet, 5-veined, pilose, acute; upper lemma ovate, as long as spikelet, cartilaginous, 3 obsucre veins, the margins thinner, covering most of the palea, acute.          

Distribution West Africa and world-wide: Chad.